

7월 13, 2020 - 7월 19, 2020


1.Framework Based on Edge for Next Generation Naval Combat System
[차세대 함정 전투체계를 위한 엣지 기반 프레임워크]

2. Task-Offloading Scheme based on AI for Edge Framework of Next Generation Naval Combat System
[차세대 함정 전투체계의 엣지 프레임워크를 위한 AI 기반의 Task Offloading 기법]

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1.Framework Based on Edge for Next Generation Naval Combat System
[차세대 함정 전투체계를 위한 엣지 기반 프레임워크]
- Reference investigation of requirements
- Investigation of the requirements for the next-generation naval combat system
- Establish exact requirements

2. Task-Offloading Scheme based on AI for Edge Framework of Next Generation Naval Combat System
[차세대 함정 전투체계의 엣지 프레임워크를 위한 AI 기반의 Task Offloading 기법]
- Investigate neural networks to be used in system models
- Completion of learning model design

This Week Todo's

1.Framework Based on Edge for Next Generation Naval Combat System
[차세대 함정 전투체계를 위한 엣지 기반 프레임워크]
- Preparation for submission

2. Task-Offloading Scheme based on AI for Edge Framework of Next Generation Naval Combat System
[차세대 함정 전투체계의 엣지 프레임워크를 위한 AI 기반의 Task Offloading 기법]
- Completion of learning model design

Project Progress

DDS Middleware

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Study a NS-3 Network Simulator
- how to conduct a DDS Middleware communication environment

This Week's Project

1. Study a NS-3 Network Simulator
- Continue

Monthly Goals

- Submit Journal

Annual Goals

- NS-3 Master