Paper research Title 1:
Bio-Inspired UAV random movement for surveillance mission (ICT Express journal)(S)(Status : under review)
Title 2:
Multiple input LSTM based movement prediction in 3D space(IET Electronics Letter)(S)(Status : Returned for author corrections: in progress)
Title 3: Accurate Movement Prediction Model for UAV Mobility in 3D Space using Bi-LSTM (Thesis)
Title 4 : Development of Multivariate Movement Prediction Framework in 3D Space (Summer Intensive 2020)
Title 1,2 :
-Waiting for reviewer corrections
Title 3 :
Title 4 :
-did simulation (circular, zigzag mvoement)
Title 4 :
-Rewrite into journal format
-make a new scenario for drone movement
-working on simulation (implementing the new dataset to forecast framework)
Project 1: Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military,Project 2: Website responsibility (International Journal)
Change a mistaken format in international journal section
Finish the thesis and print the thesis book (done)
Learn some Time-series data machine learning method
-Able to write at least one in international journal