Title 01: IoT-Based HVAC Monitoring System for Smart Factory (Submitted to ICTC 2020)
Title 02: A Deep Learning Approach to Network Intrusion Detection in Industrial Internet of Things
(Submitted to KICS Summer Conference 2020)
Title 03: Malicious Activity Detection using Deep Learning Approach in IoT Network.
- Read Papers for Summer Intensive
- paper 1: Identification of malicious activities in industrial internet of things based on deep learning models
- This paper proposes an anomaly detection technique for IICSs based on deep learning models that can learn and validate using information collected from TCP/IP packets.
-paper 2: An Efficient Anomaly Intrusion Detection Method with Feature Selection and Evolutionary Neural Network
-An approach to detect malicious activities using Cuckoo search algorithm and Artificial Neural Network.
- Attending KICS summer conference and prepare for presentation in conference.
- Working on performance evaluation using MATLAB for ICTC paper
- Joined KICS Summer Conference 2020
- Read Papers for Summer Intensive
-paper 1: IoT-KEEPER: Detecting Malicious IoT Network Activity Using Online Traffic Analysis at the Edge
-An approach to detect malicious activities in online network traffic and use adhoc overlay network
-paper 2: An Efficient Anomaly Intrusion Detection Method with Feature Selection and Evolutionary Neural Network
-An approach to detect malicious activities using Cuckoo search algorithm and Artificial Neural Network.
- Working on KICS Summer Conference 2020 reports.
- Submitted paper to ICTC Conference 2020.
- Analyzing IoT network Intrusion dataset and trying to learn Python.
Emergency Detection Application for Smart Factory
-Writing a brief discussion on how to collect vibration data from private room scenario.
- Studying machine learning approaches for emergency detection in IoT smart home, factories.
- Working on Lidar and Vibration sensor to collect dataset in smart factory scenario.
-Working on LiDAR sensor with jetson NANO.
- Getting brief identification from Velodyne Lidar sensor.
- Studying machine learning approaches for emergency detection in IoT smart home, factories.
- Working on Lidar and Vibration sensor to collect dataset in smart factory scenario.
- Finishing summer intensive paper
- Learning machine learning approach in MATLAB
- Learning basics about the new idea implementation for summer intensive
- Concluding journal paper from capstone design
- Attend International and Domestic Conference
- Complete a short Journal