

8월 31, 2020 - 9월 6, 2020


Machine learning for Intelligent Prediction for Military Logistics and Planning

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Identifying with colleagues, mentors, and professors in NSL
Accessing lecture time-table and course contents
Developing academic goals and objectives
Getting set to attend lecture and complete other documentations within the department

This Week Todo's

-Setting up system and installation of necessary software and applications for commencement of online lectures
-Understanding how to use KIT LMS for online classes
-Familiarization with NSL Activities such as writing of weekly reports, seminar presentations, international journal writing, etc.
-Attending online classes and responding to issues emerging from classes
-Reviewing journal(s) for NSL Seminar presentation
-Submitting selected topic for approval
-Engaging in team-based projects and class activities
-Learning more on the use of LateX

Project Progress

None for now

0% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

Review at least a paper on Machine learning algorithm and IIoT
Submit final paper for ICTC 2020

Annual Goals

2020 Goals:
Master concept of Machine learning algorithms and issues on IIoT
Two international journal submissions
Two international conference attendances