

9월 7, 2020 - 9월 13, 2020



Title 1:
"Gait Features Extraction Technique for Identity Detection Using CNN in Military Surveillance Systems"

Title 2:
"Real-time Detecting and tracking of UAVs Using Convolutional Neural Network"

Title 3:
"Hybrid Smart Demand Responsive Public Transport System for Conventional Public Transport in City Metropolitan Area"

Title 4:
" Title not fixed " this paper is about using thermal images for COVID-19 paitant detection

Title 5:
"Modified RCNN for anomaly flying in range objects"


99% Progress
Last Week's Progress

title 3:
configuring the paper to be suitable for IEEE transactions on smart transportation systems

This Week Todo's

title 3:
finish and submit the paper

Project Progress


0% Progress
Last Week's Project


survying some papers


This Week's Project


setting up the drone to collect the dataset


Monthly Goals


finishing my work


Annual Goals


2 journals
