Title 01: SLAM Based Automated Industrial Emergency Rescue System Using RSSI( (Summer Intensive )
Title 02: Backpressure Based Emergency Message Transmission in Industrial Wireless Robotic Network.
Title 03: Latency Based Reliability Analysis for Naval Combat Systems. (ICTC 2020-Accepted)
1) Draw map in matlab for building map.
2) Start survey for new paper.
1) Complete simulation of RSSI and location accuricy and SLAM folow that path.
2) Fixed paper title and complete abstract for KICS.
Website Maintenance
- Study the database
- Planing and analysis for better website (Market Branding, Social Engagement)
- Prepairing manual for next web admin.
* Submit paper title 3.(done)
* Complete and ready to submit title 1.
* Complete writing paper title 1.
* Complete paper title 2.
* Complete KICS autumn Paper
* Complete one international conference(Accepted).
* Complete a Journal.