

10월 5, 2020 - 10월 11, 2020


Machine learning for Intelligent Prediction for Military Logistics and Planning

100% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Final review of approved paper based on reviewers comment and submission for ICTC 2020 conference
-Awaiting the outcome/result of the Visa application
-Acquisition of needed items for travelling to Korea
-Attending online classes and responding to issues emerging from classes
-Reviewing journals relevant to Deep Learning models and IIoT
-Reviewing journals on Video-based anti-drone system
-Creating and submitting a video for self-introduction presentation
-Developing concept notes on Anti-drone project.

This Week Todo's

-Preparing a video ready presentation of the paper for ICTC 2020
-Contacting Korean Embassy for Visa Status and outcome
-Making necessary flight booking rescheduling based on visa outcome
-Making last minute travelling arrangements
-Reviewing journals relevant to Deep Learning approaches and IIoT
-Attending online classes and responding to issues emerging from classes

Project Progress

Multipurpose Anti-Drone System with Convergence Technologies

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Investigative study on video/image detection technologies in anti-drone system
-Made presentation on comprehensive literature survey on video/image detection in anti-drone system
-Developing a system design for the project modules (RF, Video, Radar, etc)

This Week's Project

-Gathering of data sets for the project

Monthly Goals

Review at least a paper on Machine learning algorithm and IIoT
Submit final paper for ICTC 2020 (done)

Annual Goals

Master concept of Machine learning algorithms and issues on IIoT
Two international journal submissions (1 done)
Two conference attendance (international and domestic), ICTC 2020 (Done)