Title 01:CNN-SSDI: Convolution Neural Network Inspired Surveillance System for UAVs Detection and
Target : IET Communication journal.
Title 02: RFDOANet: DOA Estimation of RF signal for UAV Localization based on Residual CNN.
Target : IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Title 03: Residual Convolution Neural Network for Drone Detection and activity recognition using RF Signal.
Target : IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Title 04: RF-Based UAV Surveillance System: A sequential Convolution Neural Network.
Target : ICTC-2020
Title 01:
- Revise the abstract and introduction section.
- Perform drone detection simulation
- Draw system model and the proposed CNN architecture.
Title 02:
- Submitted the paper to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
Title 03:
- Study to design a Deep learning model.
- analyzing the RF signal
Title 04:
-Submitted the camera-ready copy
Title 01:
- Revise the System model and the proposed CNN model.
- Attach the comparison graph and drone detection graph.
- Attach the performance comparison table.
Title 02:
- waiting for the review from IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
Title 03:
- Study to design a Deep learning model.
- analyzing the RF signal
Title 04:
-Submitted the camera-ready copy
Anti-drone project, smart-home project
- Complete the total system configuration and test for the collection of RF data from drone.
- prepare a proposal to describe the RF dataset.
- Collect task update from team member and report to prof
- Do sample example to collect data from drone.
- Survey data pre processing stuff for vibration sensor dataset.
-Learn MATLAB, Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, Python, LabView
- Complete one paper writing to submit in journal
-At-least two SCI journal paper.
-At-least two International Conference