

10월 12, 2020 - 10월 18, 2020


Machine learning for Intelligent Prediction for Military Logistics and Planning

100% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Preparing a video ready presentation of the paper for ICTC 2020
-Contacting Korean Embassy for Visa Status and outcome
-Making necessary flight booking rescheduling based on visa outcome
-Making last minute travelling arrangements
-Reviewing journals relevant to Deep Learning approaches and IIoT
-Attending online classes and responding to issues emerging from classes

This Week Todo's

-Review and submission of the video ready presentation for ICTC 2020
-Awaiting arrival of Visa from Korean Embassy
-Making necessary flight booking rescheduling based on visa outcome
-Making last minute travelling arrangements
-Reviewing journals relevant to Deep Learning approaches and IIoT
-Attending online classes and responding to issues emerging from classes

Project Progress

Multipurpose Anti-Drone System with Convergence Technologies

65% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Complete the total system configuration and test for the collection of RF data from drone.

- Prepare a proposal to describe the RF dataset.

- Gathering of data sets for the project

This Week's Project

- Do sample example to collect data from drone.

- Survey data pre processing stuff for vibration sensor dataset.

- Make a presentation on the data preprocessing technique

Monthly Goals

-Review at least a paper on Machine learning algorithm and IIoT
-Submit final paper for ICTC 2020 (done)

Annual Goals

- Master concept of Machine learning algorithms and issues on IIoT
- Two international journal submissions (1 done)
- Two conference attendance (international and domestic), ICTC 2020 (Done)