

10월 19, 2020 - 10월 25, 2020


Md. Sajjad Hossain

Title 01:Reinforcement Learning-based Task Offloading scheme in Edge Computing for IIoT [ICT Express-Accepted]

Title 02:Decentralized dynamic offloading policy for multi user MEC system using Deep Reinforcement Learning [summer intensive]

Title 03: Decentralized Latency-Aware Edge Node Grouping With Fault Tolerance for Internet of Battlefield Things[ICTC 2020 - Accepted]

Title 04: Edge node based architecture for fault tolerance and load balancing in IoBT {Thesis title}

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 01:

Title 02:
-working on simulation
-try to finish this as quick as possible

Title 3:
- Accepted

Title 04:
- thesis topic
- studdying related papers
- tring to make my own system model considering previous works

This Week Todo's

Title 01:
-Already in their website

Title 02:
-working on simulation
-will try to finish within next two weeks

Title 3:
- preparing for the conference to present the paper

Title 04:
- studdying related papers
- tring to make my own system model considering previous works

Project Progress

Edge Computing & Mentoring

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Continue reading another papers related to edge computing.
-submitted the summary of 7 papers to dr. Kim

This Week's Project

-Having a discussion with Dr. Kim about the project
- Surveying some papers on edge computing

Monthly Goals

- Finish and submit summer intensive
- start working on thesis title

Annual Goals

-I will try to submit at least 2 journals.
-I will try to develop my skills up