

10월 26, 2020 - 11월 1, 2020


Paper 1: Brownian Motion Based UAV-assisted Energy Harvesting Scheme for the Internet of Battlefield Things, (Target: JCN).

Paper 2: A UAV-assisted Blockchain-Based Device to Device Communication in the Internet of Military Things (Accepted: ICTC).

Paper 3: Development of Routing Protocol in UAV Network for Military Environment, [Winter Intensive] (Target: ICT Express)

Paper 4: A Lightweight Authentication System Using Mobile Edge Computing with the Assistance of UAV in the Internet of Military Things. (Target: Not fixed)

Thesis: A UAV assisted Predictive Solar Energy Distribution Technique in Internet of Battlefield Things.

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1:
* Worked on simulation regarding prof. Lee's comment ( Simulate the energy distribution efficiency with/without solar energy harvesting)

Paper 3:
* Continue the PixHawk set-up for flight control ( Setting-up the PixHawk to control the drone by fixing the sensors such as motion, wings etc.)

* Continued the simulation part of solar energy prediction ( Simulate the dataset we get from the NASA)
* Keep writing the Thesis paper. (Write down the System model part [Not finished yet])

This Week Todo's

Paper 1:
- Continue the simulation regarding Prof. Kim and Lee's comment ( Considering the energy distribution efficiency)

Paper 3:
- Try to fix the motion sensors od the Drone based on the model specification
- Waiting for Prof. Lee to provide the Drone specification for PixHawk settings

- Continue working on the simulation (Based on Prof Lee suggestion [Consider only the energy distribution efficiency, not the trajectory optimization])
- Exclude the Brownian movement part from the current work ( Prof Lee suggested to do it)
- Keep writing the thesis paper ( Continue the system model part)

Project Progress

Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military, Anti-Drone project

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

Project 1:
* Continued the work on PixHawk to control drone using ROS
* Try work on ROS for flying the drone in Gazebo simulator

Project 2:
* Started working on the allocated task to collect dsataset
* Captured the video dataset using Phantom 3SE drone

This Week's Project

Project 1:
- Try to fix the motion sensors od the Drone based on the model specification
- Waiting for Prof. Lee to provide the Drone specification for PixHawk settings

Project 2:
- Working on the video that captured for creating the dataset

Monthly Goals

1. Finish the simulation of my Thesis.

2. Finish writing the Thesis and start working to fine-tune the Thesis.

Annual Goals

* Submit at least one Journal.

* At least 1 International Conference papers (Completed)

* Make sure to learn as many simulation tools as possible.