

11월 2, 2020 - 11월 8, 2020


Title 01: SLAM Based Automated Industrial Emergency Rescue System Using RSSI( (Summer Intensive )
- Submitted in KICS Fall 2020

Title 02: Backpressure Based Emergency Message Transmission in Industrial Wireless Robotic Network (Target is not fixed yet)

Title 03: Latency Based Reliability Analysis for Naval Combat Systems. (ICTC 2020)

Title 04: DDoS Detection in Edge Computing using Naive Bayesian Classifier (Target is not fixed yet)

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
- Finalize KICS paper

Title 02:
- Try to Collect the result of paper title 2.

Title 04:
- Read journal papers.
- Working with dataset.

This Week Todo's

Title 02:
- Try to Collect the result of paper title 2.

Title 04:
- Read journal papers.
- Working with the dataset.

Project Progress

Website Maintenance

32% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Try to solve password reset problem, because of encryption function used in coding it is not possible to reset manually from database. So the password reset sollution is remove that id and make new one using same user name.

This Week's Project

- Fixing new members adding bug
- Fixing internet explorer compatibility issue.

Monthly Goals

* Fixed title and complete at least system model of the journal paper.
* Complete paper title 2.
* Learning Python language
* Study about machine learning

Annual Goals

* Complete one international conference(Accepted).

* Complete a Journal.