

11월 16, 2020 - 11월 22, 2020


Title 01: SLAM Based Automated Industrial Emergency Rescue System Using RSSI( (Summer Intensive )
- Submitted in KICS Fall 2020

Title 02: Backpressure Based Emergency Message Transmission in Industrial Wireless Robotic Network (Target is not fixed yet)

Title 03: Latency Based Reliability Analysis for Naval Combat Systems. (ICTC 2020)

Title 04: DDoS Detection in Edge Computing using Naive Bayesian Classifier (Target is not fixed yet)

32% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 04:
- Read journal papers.
- Working with the dataset.

-Read journal for the research topic

*Paper-1 CPSS LR-DDoS Detection and Defense in Edge Computing Utilizing DCNN Q-Learning
*Paper-2 Detecting Different Attack Instances of DDoS Vulnerabilities on Edge Network of Fog Computing using Gaussian Naive Bayesian Classifier
Paper-3 DIDA: Distributed In-Network Defense Architecture Against Amplified Reflection DDoS

-Prepare slide for the seminar presentation
-Prepare poster for the KICS fall 2020 conference.
- Try to find scope to write short journal from ICTC 2020 paper.

This Week Todo's

Title 04:
- Read journal papers.
- Read machine learning tutorial

- Start new research work.

- Start work extended short paper version of the ICTC 2020 conference paper.

Project Progress

Website Maintenance

32% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Fixing new members adding bug issue can not show if we add from the database. But from the frontend, its still shows.

- Try to solve the problem this week.

This Week's Project

- There is some internal bug, like mysql warning in admin site of the website. will try to solve this internal bug.

Monthly Goals

* Fixed title and complete at least system model of the journal paper.
* Complete paper title 2.
* Learning Python language
* Study about machine learning

Annual Goals

* Complete one international conference(Accepted).

* Complete a Journal.