

4월 28, 2014 - 5월 4, 2014


1. Real-time Message Scheduling on CAN Bus for Naval Control System
2. Design and Implementation of Naval Combat System based on Modbus/TCP

45% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. - Presented at domestic conference
2. - Studied about Networked Control System
- Read some papers related to Naval Combat System.

This Week Todo's

2. - Continue studying about Networked Control System and Naval Combat System
- Find code to approach the simulation
- Continue writing paper

Project Progress

Modelling of Marine Engines using Matlab

32% Progress
Last Week's Project

Searched papers and Matlab code for modelling ship engine

This Week's Project

Continue studying on Modelling of Marine Engines

Monthly Goals

Submit paper for domestic conference

Annual Goals

- Submit paper to international journal
- Finish the project