Title 01:CNN-SSDI: Convolution Neural Network Inspired Surveillance System for UAVs Detection and
Target : IET Communication journal.
Title 02: RFDOANet: DOA Estimation of RF signal for UAV Localization based on Residual CNN.
Target : IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Title 03:Analysis and Prediction of Hourly Energy Consumption Based on Long Short-Term Memory
Neural Network
Title 04: LSTM Based Regression Analysis Using Multivariant Data for Solar Radiation Prediction.
Title 01:
- Complete Simulation and Result discussion Section.
-Revise whole paper
Title 02:
-Waiting for the review from IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
Title 03:
- Submit the paper to ICOIN 2021 Conference.
Title 04:
- Perform five simulation work.
- Create LSTM, CNN, Hybrid model, and DNN for performance evaluation.
- Write problem formulation and system model and result discussion section.
Title 01:
- Add related work section.
Title 02:
-Waiting for the review from IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
Title 03:
- Wait for the review from ICOIN 2021 Conference.
Title 04:
- Revise the whole paper.
Anti-drone project
-Study about the dataset and idea that can be used and extend in project and distribute task to the project member.
- Study about the deep learning technique as required.
- Collect one dataset from anafi extended and create the frames in 1 sec interval.
- Practice to Control the drone in short altitude.
- Create 600 frame in evening and sunny consideration foe anafi extended drone.
-Study about the dataset that can be used and extend in project
- Study about the deep learning technique as required.
- Collect dataset from two drones
- Collect dataset for RF based module
- Create ground truth value for 500 frames