

November 30, 2020 - December 6, 2020


Title: Towards ML-Baaed Energy Efficient Mechanism for 6G Enabled Industrial Network in Box System
Term Project: SLAM Project

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

I was seriously ill and was under medical intensive care.So couldn't do much.

This Week Todo's

-Summarising the paper Research for approval
-Analyzing and simulating SLAM algorithms on MATLAB with given datasets.
-Attending online classes and responding to issues emerging from classes.

Project Progress

Multipurpose Anti-Drone System with Convergence Technologies

70% Progress
Last Week's Project

Couldn't do much due to ill-health

This Week's Project

-Join my team lead to create 600 frame in evening and sunny consideration foe anafi extended drone
-Prepare summary report on the project

Monthly Goals

-Study at least a paper on Machine learning algorithm and IIoT
-Master concept of Machine learning algorithms and issues on IIoT

Annual Goals

-Two international journal submissions (1 done)
-Two conference attendance (international and domestic), ICTC 2020 (Done)