

12월 14, 2020 - 12월 20, 2020


Title 01:CNN-SSDI: Convolution Neural Network Inspired Surveillance System for UAVs Detection and
Target: IET Communication journal.

Title 02: RFDOANet: DOA Estimation of RF signal for UAV Localization based on Residual CNN.
Target: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Title 03:Analysis and Prediction of Hourly Energy Consumption Based on Long Short-Term Memory
Neural Network

Title 04: LSTM Based Regression Analysis Using Multivariant Data for Solar Radiation Prediction.

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 01:
- Write related work section and revise the paper
- Add 13 more references.
- Check the grammatical mistake.
Title 02:
-Revision from IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
- Doing a literature survey to make and of reviewers.

Title 03:
- Accepted the paper.
- Done author registration and revise the whole paper.
- Add one simulation result and attach the camera-ready copy.
Title 04:
- Revise the whole paper and it's ready for submission.

This Week Todo's

Title 01:
- Revise the whole paper, modify the figure labeling, correct the grammatical mistake
Title 02:
-prepare the plan on how to deal with the reviewer comments.
- Focus on the review comments of the first reviewer.

Title 03:
- wait for the conference schedule according to that will prepare the presentation file.

Title 04:
- Submit the paper.

Project Progress

Anti-drone project

40% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Collect 2 video data set from DJI phantom and Anafi extended drone.
- Complete data leveling of 300 frames.
- Study the literature of the CNN model.
- Total of 1200 data labeling is processed from Anafi extended drone.

This Week's Project

- Collect 1200 data labeling from Anafi extended drone in a sunny environment.
- Collect RF data from anafi drone.

Monthly Goals

-Learn MATLAB, Machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence, Python, LabView

- Complete one paper writing to submit in journal

Annual Goals

-At-least two SCI journal papers.

-At-least two International Conference