

12월 28, 2020 - 1월 3, 2021


Title 01: SLAM Based Automated Industrial Emergency Rescue System Using RSSI( (Summer Intensive )
- Submitted in KICS Fall 2020

Title 02: Backpressure Based Emergency Message Transmission in Industrial Wireless Robotic Network (Target is not fixed yet)

Title 03: Latency Based Reliability Analysis for Naval Combat Systems. (ICTC 2020)

Title 04: DDoS Detection in Edge Computing using Naive Bayesian Classifier (Target is not fixed yet)

Title 05: Neural Network-Based PAPR Reduction of UFMC Systems Over Rayleigh Fading Channel(Target is not fixed yet)

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 05:

- Complete writing simulation part.
- Try Simulation

Title 04:

- Start writing abstract and introduction
- Study machine learning

This Week Todo's

Title 05:
Install simulation software and environment.
Simulate some neural network code

Title 04:
- Complete abstract and introduction
- Study machine learning

Project Progress

Website Maintenance, Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military

32% Progress
Last Week's Project

Website Maintenance
- Search source file related to Work@NSL menu

UAV Project:

- Waiting for pixhawk.
- Wait for further instruction.

This Week's Project

Website Maintenance
- Search source file related to Work@NSL menu

UAV Project:

- Install OPNET
- Try to simulate OLSR

Monthly Goals

* Fixed title and complete at least the system model of the journal paper.
* Complete paper title 5 within this month.
* Learning Python language
* Study about machine learning

Annual Goals

* Complete one international conference(Accepted).

* Complete a Journal.