

1월 11, 2021 - 1월 17, 2021


Chi-Yun Kim

[1] Design of the Dynamic Time Division Multiple Access Method for Tactical Data Link
[전술데이터링크를 위한 동적 시분할 다중 접속기법 설계]-KICS winter submitted

[2] Design and Performance Analysis of 1D-CRNN based Fault Detection System for Naval Vessel
[해군 함정을 고려한 1D-CRNN 기반 고장 감지 시스템 설계 및 성능 분석]-Thesis

[3] Design of the Multi-Streams CNN based Target Detection System for Naval Combet System
[함정 전투체계를 위한 Multi-Streams CNN 기반 목표 탐지 시스템 설계]-KICS fall submitted

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] Design of the Dynamic Time Division Multiple Access Method for Tactical Data Link
[전술데이터링크를 위한 동적 시분할 다중 접속기법 설계]-KICS winter submitted
- Paper survey on Dynamic TDMA
- Creating TDMA Test Bed using Matlab

[2] Design and Performance Analysis of 1D-CRNN based Fault Detection System for Naval Vessel
[해군 함정을 고려한 1D-CRNN 기반 고장 감지 시스템 설계 및 성능 분석]
- Dcollection submitted

[3] Design of the Multi-Streams CNN based Target Detection System for Naval Combet System
[함정 전투체계를 위한 Multi-Streams CNN 기반 목표 탐지 시스템 설계]-KICS fall submitted
- KICS fall submitted

This Week Todo's

[1] Design of the Dynamic Time Division Multiple Access Method for Tactical Data Link
[전술데이터링크를 위한 동적 시분할 다중 접속기법 설계]-KICS winter submitted
- Paper survey on Dynamic TDMA
- Creating TDMA Test Bed using Matlab

[2] Design and Performance Analysis of 1D-CRNN based Fault Detection System for Naval Vessel
[해군 함정을 고려한 1D-CRNN 기반 고장 감지 시스템 설계 및 성능 분석]
- Binded and Final Submitted

[3] Design of the Multi-Streams CNN based Target Detection System for Naval Combet System
[함정 전투체계를 위한 Multi-Streams CNN 기반 목표 탐지 시스템 설계]-KICS fall submitted
- KICS fall submitted

Project Progress

Priority Project-Hanwha

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] Conception 3D pirnt
- Final report submitted

[2] Priority Project-Hanwha
- Python Statistics and Matrix Library Survey
- Building a Development Environment on Jetson Nano
- Data analyze and Pre-procesing for new data set

This Week's Project

[1] Conception 3D pirnt
- Final report submitted

[2] Priority Project-Hanwha
- Handing over data and information to Jaehyun

Monthly Goals


Annual Goals

Graduation and journal submit