

1월 18, 2021 - 1월 24, 2021


Title 01: Machine Learning Based Network Intrusion Detection in Cyber-Physical System
Processing for KICS Winter Conference 2021

Title 02: Malicious Activity Classification using Network Traffic Characteristics in Industrial Internet of Things
Targeted Journal not chosen yet.

Title 03: Smart Factory Floor Safety Monitoring using UWB Sensor.
Targeted Journal not chosen yet.

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 01:
- Start writing introduction and related works of KICS Winter 2021
- Read Papers for KICS Winter 2021
- paper 1: Cloud-Based Cyber-Physical Intrusion Detection for Vehicles Using Deep Learning
- Developing a model to determine when computation offloading of the network and the processing
demands of the deep learning model.

Title 02:
- Start writing performance evaluation of short journal
- Read Papers for Summer Intensive
- paper 1: IoT-KEEPER: Detecting Malicious IoT Network Activity Using Online Traffic Analysis at the

Title 03:
- Read papers for Winter Intensive.
- Paper 1: Fall Detection Using Standoff Radar-Based Sensing and Deep Convolutional Neural Network.
- This paper presents detecting and observing fall detection using Xethru radar sensor and then
applying deep CNN.
- Gave winter Intensive first presentation about the title.

This Week Todo's

Title 01:
- Start writing system model and performance evaluation of KICS Winter 2021

Title 02:
- Start writing performance evaluation of short journal
- Read Papers for Summer Intensive
- paper 1: TSE-IDS: A Two-Stage Classifier Ensemble for Intelligent Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection
- This paper presents the Anomaly Detection System based on hybrid feature selection and two-level
classier ensembles are proposed.

Title 03:
- Read papers for Winter Intensive.
- Paper 1: Fall Detection Using Standoff Radar-Based Sensing and Deep Convolutional Neural Network.
- This paper presents detecting and observing fall detection using Xethru radar sensor and then
applying deep CNN.

Project Progress

Emergency Detection Application for Smart Home

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- We are going to collaborate with vibration and RPI LiDAR in a same system to check emergency.
- We have created conditions for emergency using UWB
- Some ML Classifications are still not applied to UWB dataset
- Searching for UWB dataset for ML Classification
- Focus on writing Technical reports

This Week's Project

- Some ML Classifications are still not applied to UWB dataset
- Collecting UWB data based on private home secenario
- Searching for UWB dataset for ML Classification
- Focus on writing Technical reports.

Monthly Goals

- Finishing summer intensive paper
- Writing Introduction and related works for winter intensive
- Learning machine learning approach in MATLAB
- Learning basics about the new idea implementation for winter intensive
- Finding the solution of LiDAR, UWB breathing, temperature and IMU working together.

Annual Goals

- Attend International and Domestic Conference
- Complete a short Journal