

2월 8, 2021 - 2월 14, 2021


research Paper research Igboanusi Ikechi Saviour

Title 1: Blockchain Side Implementation of Pure Wallet (PW): An Offline transaction Architecture, (Submitted) ICT Express.

Title 2:
A Low Latency VUH (VLC-UWB Hybrid) Network for Logistics Center Mobile Robots (Winter intensive). (Pr) Journal on Communication and networks (JCN).

Title 3:
A Survey: Blockchain for real-time systems, IEEE Access, (Pr)

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title #1

1) Wait for review comments from ICT Express.

Title #3

1) continued surveying papers.
a) Sliding Window Blockchain Architecture for Internet of Things
b) An Energy-Efficient SDN Controller Architecture for IoT Networks With Blockchain-Based Security

This Week Todo's

Title #1

1) wait for the review comment from ICT Express.

Title #3

1) Continue surveying of relevant papers in IOT application.
a) Secure Service Provisioning Scheme for Lightweight IoT Devices With a Fair Payment System and an Incentive Mechanism Based on Blockchain
b) An Efficient Forensics Architecture in Software-Defined Networking-IoT Using Blockchain Technology.
c) Making Knowledge Tradable in Edge-AI Enabled IoT: A Consortium Blockchain-Based Efficient and Incentive Approach.

Project Progress

3D Printing project

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

1) created new google account for cloud storage of data and progress.
2) Integrate our project to google drive of easy access.

This Week's Project

1) tutor Mark on the project

Monthly Goals


1) Finish 3D monitoring project.
2) Start paper preparation.

Paper #3

1) Complete reading of real-time Blockchain for IoT network.
2) Make Introduction.
3) Write survey finding for low Latency Blockchain IoT applications

Annual Goals

Annual goals

2020 GOALS

1) Two international journal paper submissions.
2) One international conference attendance.
3) Master the blockchain network and transactions.

2021 GOALS

1) Two journal paper submissions.
2) Two conference attendances.

2022 GOALS

1) One international journal paper submission.
2) One international conference attendance.
3) Complete graduation thesis.