

2월 8, 2021 - 2월 14, 2021


Alifia Putri Anantha

Title 1:
Reducing Faulty Node Detection Delay in Industrial Internet of Things
• KICS Summer 2019 (A)

Title 2:
Deep Reinforcement Learning with Edge Computing in Faulty-Node Detection for Industrial Internet of Things (Summer Intensive 2019)
• Elsevier Manufacturing Letters (R)
• IEEE Wireless Communication Letters (R)
• ICT Express (R)

Title 3:
Improved Network Intrusion Detection Using Hybrid Sequential Forward Feature Selection and Machine Learning (Winter Intensive 2019)
• Elsevier Information Processing Letters (R)
• IEEE Communication Letters (R)

Title 4:
Hidden Information Detection on Speech Signal Using Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient and Linear Discriminant Analysis
• KICS Summer 2020 (A)

Title 5:
Edge Computing-Based Anomaly Detection for Multi-Source Monitoring in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
• ICTC 2020 (A)

Title 6:
Intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Industrial IoT Network Using GRU with Denoising Autoencoder
• Master Thesis (S)

Title 7:
Network Intrusion Detection System for IIoT Using GRU and Denoising Autoencoder
• KICS Winter 2021 (A)

Title 8:
Denoising Autoencoder-Based Intelligent Intrusion Detection System for IIoT Network Using GRU
• Thesis to Journal Extension - TBD (Pr)

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 7:
- Attended the conference
- Presented the paper on site

Title 8:
- Changed the title
- Wrote the abstract and introduction

This Week Todo's

Title 8:
- Continue to write the system model and problem formulation
- Put the performance evaluation
- Change the figures (architecture, model, etc.) to avoid similarity with KICS paper

Project Progress

IoT Platforms and Applications

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Submitted the report of DHT sensor and TiM LiDAR

This Week's Project

- Prepare the demonstration scheme for inspection day

Monthly Goals

- Submit Title 8

Annual Goals

- Participate at least in one domestic conference
- Participate at least in one international conference
- Write and submit at least one journal