

2월 8, 2021 - 2월 14, 2021


<u><b>Ade Pitra Hermawan</b></u>

<b>Title 1</b>:
Toward Deep Learning-based Low Latency Communication in Industrial IoT &#8211; KICS Summer 2019 (Presented)

<b>Title 2</b>:
CNN-based Automatic Modulation Classification for 5G Communications - IEEE Communications Letters (Published)

<b>Title 3</b>:
Sensor Failure Recovery using Multi Look-back LSTM Algorithm in Industrial Internet of Things - ETFA 2020 (Presented)

<b>Title 4</b>:
A Robust Wireless Signal Classification using Deep Learning Technique in Multimedia IoT - KICS Summer 2020 (Presented)

<b>Title 5</b>:
Predictive Maintenance of Aircraft Engine using Deep Learning Technique - ICTC 2020 (A)

<b>Master Thesis</b>:
A Robust Automatic Modulation Classification using Deep Learning Technique for Beyond 5G Communications

<b>Title 9</b>:
Real time Data Recovery using Multi-directional LSTM in Wireless Sensor Networks - KICS Summer 2020 (Submitted)

<b>Title 6</b>:
UAV-Based Sensor Nodes Localization Scheme utilizing Shallow Neural Network - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics <i>(In revision to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications)</i>

<b>Title 7</b>:
Energy Efficient-Based Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Aircraft Engine using Combined CNN and LSTM Algorithms <i>(In revision)</i>

<b>Title 8</b>:
Split Super-resolution for CSI Reconstruction using Transfer Learning in MIMO System (Rejected) <i>(Resubmit to ICT Express)</i>

28% Progress
Last Week's Progress

<b>Title 7</b>:
- Added the paper contents (Intro and related works)
- Simulated the CNN, LSTM, and CLSTM algorithms
- Found the related works with EE in sensor recovery
- Added mathematical model in calculating the EE

<b>Title 8</b>:
- Review the paper comments.
- Find suitable journal to resubmit the paper --> ICT Express

<b>Title 9</b>:
- Paper preparation.
- Submitted the paper.

This Week Todo's

<b>Title 6</b>:
- Review the comments, and find a way on how to improve the paper.

<b>Title 7</b>:
- Finish the energy efficiency part

<b>Title 8</b>:
- Submitted the paper.

Project Progress

Website management, Hanhwa System, IoT

28% Progress
Last Week's Project

<b>Website management</b>
- Solving the issue of storage/space overhead.
- Working on how to filter the publication by status.
- Continue creating manual guide for website maintenance
- Finalize the development of journal & conference's status (accepted and in progress)

<b>Hanhwa System</b>
- Finished the simulation using SVM and CNN algorithms (Matlab)
- Finished the simulation using SVM, CNN, LR, MLP algorithms (Python)
- Discussed with Dr. Kim and Dr. Ahn about the new dataset and how to improve the performance.
- Discussed with Dr. Kim about the python simulations.
- Created the brief explanation document regarding to python simulations.

- Conducted UWB and Vibration classification --> UWB: 100% accuracy rate, Vibration: 76% Accuracy rate
- Done the simulation for UWB new dataset --> Accuracy 95.04%

This Week's Project

<b>Website management</b>
- Continue development of Publication part
- Done changing the link for ICTC
- Transfer knowledge to Tuli and Rani

<b>Hanhwa System</b>
- Continue the simulation in python.
- Finishing the report

- Elaborate more on Vibration dataset.
- Classify using RPi Lidar and Vibration dataset
- Modify the simulation code into the new requirements.

Monthly Goals

Able to use supporting tools to do a simulation (Python, Matlab, NS3, Tensorflow)
- Increase simulation skill every month (self-measurement)

Annual Goals

- Paper Accepted in the domestic conference (Done)
- Paper Accepted in the international conference
- Submit at least one journal (Done)

- Paper Accepted in the domestic conference (Done)
- Paper Accepted and attend the international conference (Done Online)
- Paper Accepted in the International Journal (Done)