

2월 15, 2021 - 2월 21, 2021


[1] Design of IEEE 802.11ah based Delay-Sensitive MAC Protocol for IIoT
[2] Design and Implementation of Real-Time Monitoring Platform for Preventing Wild Animals(야생 동물 침입 방지를 위한 실시간 모니터링 플랫폼 설계 및 구현)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] Design of IEEE 802.11ah based Delay-Sensitive MAC Protocol for IIoT(Target: not fixed)
- Researched about IEEE 802.11ah model to simulate using ns-3.
- Researched traditional RAW mechanism and recent works.

[2] Design and Implementation of Real-Time Monitoring Platform for Preventing Wild Animals(야생 동물 침입 방지를 위한 실시간 모니터링 플랫폼 설계 및 구현)(Target KICS journal)
- Resubmit deadline: 25 Feb expected.
- Cheak the review comments and researched the references.
- Re-edit the paper based on review comments.

This Week Todo's

[1] Design of IEEE 802.11ah based Delay-Sensitive MAC Protocol for IIoT
- Researched about IEEE 802.11ah model to simulate using ns-3.
- Try to simulate using ns-3

[2] Design and Implementation of Real-Time Monitoring Platform for Preventing Wild Animals(야생 동물 침입 방지를 위한 실시간 모니터링 플랫폼 설계 및 구현)
- Re-edit the paper based on review comments.
- Finish to edit.

Project Progress

IoT Application for Smart Home, Website Management

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

IoT Application for Smart Home
- Project meeting
- Investigating UWB dataset with CNN

Website management
- Updated website management guidance

This Week's Project

IoT Application for Smart Home
- Project meeting
- Prepare for company to set up the environment
- Testing with vibration dataset

Website management
- Waiting request from website manager

Monthly Goals

- Practice with research tools and environment
- More research references
- Explore more programming techniques
- Finishing winter intensive journal

Annual Goals

- Participate in local conference (KICS Winter 2021)
- Participate in international conference
- Publish one SCI journal