

2월 15, 2021 - 2월 21, 2021



Title 1:
"Real-time classification of UAVs Using Convolutional Neural Network"
target : IEEE ACCESS

Title 2:
"Convolutional Neural Network for anomaly flying objects Detection "
Target : IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems

Title 3:
"Hybrid Smart Demand Responsive Transport System for Conventional Public Transport in City Metropolitan Area"
Target : IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation.


0% Progress
Last Week's Progress


Title 3:
discussed with the original author on how to change the paper and his opinion for reviewer answers


This Week Todo's


Title 1:
start writing the abstract, introduction and related works

title 3:
answering the reviwer comments and fix the pointed sections by them


Project Progress

Anti-Drone, Server management, LG Energy consumption

0% Progress
Last Week's Project


Project 1:
took a video of phantom 3 in sunny weather
broke it into frames and disturbed it to the group

Project 2:
set up the remote desktop

project 3:
had a meeting with Dr. Kim about the project and a discussion on goals


This Week's Project


Project 1:
label the 300 frames assigned to me

Project 2:
try to find MATLAB 2021a

Project 3:
Survey on smart grid and energy consumption
look for datasets


Monthly Goals




Annual Goals


2 SCI journals
