

2월 22, 2021 - 2월 28, 2021


Title 01: Neural Network-Based PAPR Reduction of UFMC Systems Over Rayleigh Fading Channel(Target is not fixed yet)

Title 02: Performance Analysis of UFMC System for various Modulation Technique over Different Fading Channels (Target: Conference )

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Reading Book Title:


Title 02:
- complete abstract and introduction

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- Finish situation
- Writing simulation result and conclusion part
- Show professor and fixed target journal
- Try to make the camera ready version

- Review paper titled
"Subject Authenticationusing Time-Frequency Image Textural Feature"

Project Progress

Website Maintenance, Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military

35% Progress
Last Week's Project

Website Maintenance

- Waiting for further instruction.

UAV Project:
- Try to Simulate OSLR protocol in OPNET.

This Week's Project

Website Maintenance

- continue making documentation until the next instruction comes.

UAV Project:

- Submit my simulation result of the OLSR protocol to the team leader.

Monthly Goals

1) Complete Paper Title 02
2) Complete and get target journal approval from prof of the paper title 1 (winter intensive)

Annual Goals

1) Publish at least one SCI and submit two papers.

2) Attend two international conferences.

3) Arrend all domestic conferences as approved by NSL.