Title 01:CNN-SSDI: Convolution Neural Network Inspired Surveillance System for UAVs Detection and
Target: Computer Networks.
Title 02: RFDOANet: DOA Estimation of RF signal for UAV Localization based on Residual CNN.
Target: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Title 03:Analysis and Prediction of Hourly Energy Consumption Based on Long Short-Term Memory
Neural Network.
Target: Energy Reports
Title 04: Deep Learning-Based Surveillance System for Drones Detection and Activity Recognition [Processing]
Target: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Title 05: CNN-Based Drone Detection in Multi-variant Environment [Title not fixed yet]
Title 06: Blockchain Assisted Unauthorized Target Localization for Aerospace Surveillance System Using Convolution Neural Network.
Target: ICT Express
Title 01:
- Complete all the comments from reviewer.
- Check the grammar mistake and correct the copy.
- Submit the revision copy.
Title 02:
- simulate the performance analysis for NULA and ULA.
-Simulate for different number of Input.
-Revising the paper according to the reviewer.
Title 01:
- waiting for the revision decision.
Title 02:
- complete the modification of proposed CNN model.
- Draw all the simulation graph.
- Complexity analysis.
Title 06:
- Add content for the security (Blockchain).
- Revise the paper.
Anti-drone project, Hierarchical Visual Deep Framework for High-Risk Physical Behavior Attention
- Create 100 GT values
-Doing survey of literature for "Deep Framework for High-Risk Physical Behavior Attention" project
- Complete 300 GT for DJI sunny
- Collect video data for parrot 2 drone.
- Discus with Dr. thein for the research paper.
-Learn MATLAB, Machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence, Python, LabView
- Complete title 06, 01, and 02 and submit to the journal.
-At-least two SCI journal papers.
-At-least two International Conference