

3월 2, 2021 - 3월 8, 2021


Title 1: Machine Learning-based Intrusion Detection System in Fog Computing for IIoT (Pr)
Target: IEEE Communication Letter

Title 2: Bearing Fault Detection using Autoencoder-LSTM for Smart Factory (Pr)
Target: Winter Intensive 2020

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
- Finalization
- Grammar checking
- Paper correction

Title 2:
- Continue paper writing
- Add auto-encoder with LSTM
- Compare LSTM with LSTM
- Analizing the performance evaluation

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- Decide target journal after discussion with Profesors
- Submission after Profesors approval

Title 2:
- Finalizing paper writing
- Grammar checking
- Paper feedback from Professors

Project Progress

IoT Application for Smart Home, Website Management

80% Progress
Last Week's Project

IoT Application for Smart Home
- Project meeting
- Make research note as requested

Website management
- Moved Ade, Fia and Chiyoon to "Alumni" section

This Week's Project

IoT Application for Smart Home
- Project meeting
- Finishing hand writing research note for G-LINK-200 part

Website management
- Waiting any request from website manager/Professor

Monthly Goals

- Practice with research tools and environment
- More research references
- Explore more programming techniques
- Finish winter intensive paper

Annual Goals

- Participate in local conference (KICS Winter 2021)
- Participate in international conference
- Publish one SCI journal