

3월 2, 2021 - 3월 8, 2021


Paper 1: Enhanced Object Detection using YOLO through Nearest Neighbor Scaling

Paper 2: Improving Latency by Simplifying Network to Meet 5G Standard Using OTN Technology
3Smart Monitoring for SLA-type 3D Printer using Temporal Convolutional Network

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1: Finished Intro until RRL

Paper 2: Finished Intro until RRL

Paper 3: RRL

This Week Todo's

Paper 1: DONE

Paper 2: DONE

Paper 3: Research on Dataset

Project Progress

3D Printing Monitor

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Editted paper for RRL

This Week's Project

Start working on Methodology

Monthly Goals

Submission to KICS Winter Intensive [ON-GOING]

Finish RRL of Project [ON-GOING]

Annual Goals

Submit Journal Paper for International Publication [90%]

Submit Conference Paper for International Publication

Finish 3D Printer Project