1. Performance Comparison of Named Data Network IoT (NDNIoT) and IP Based IoT using Advance Least Recently Frequently Used Replacement Policy
2. Machine Learning in IIoT
1. Setup ndnSIM environment
2. Test LRFU Replacement Policy in NDNIoT
3. Setup, re-create LaTex and TensorFlow environment
4. Create a list of IIoT and Machine Learning Research that related to Dissertation Topic Idea
1. Start to read and review the listed paper about IIoT and ML.
2. Write the paper review using LaTex
3. Start train and create a simple Model in ML using TensorFlow
Smart Energy Cluster
1. Find research paper about Smart Energy Cluster
1. Prepare for the Smart Energy Cluster problem and propose a solution
1. Able to simulate ML with a modified model
2. Design the proposed solution of Smart Energy Cluster into a simulation
1. Accepted paper in Conference
2. Accepted journal in SCI