

5월 19, 2014 - 5월 25, 2014


Title : Wireless Extension of Military Standard MIL-STD-1553B using IEEE 802.11 WLAN

45% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- writing the following section.
- preparing the simulation.
- reviewing 3 reference papers:
o Lucia Seno, Stefano Vitturi, Claudio Zunino, “Analysis of Ethernet Powerlink Wireless Extensions Based on the IEEE 802.11 WLAN”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2009 (Journal)
o Soo Young Shin, Fadillah Purnama Rezha, “Extending CAN Protocol with ISA100.11a Wireless Network”, ICT Convergence, 2012 (Conference)
o Erwin C. Gangl, “A Case Study on U.S. Government Military Standard Development”, Aerospace and Electronics System Magazine, 2013

This Week Todo's

- writing the following section.
- preparing the simulation.
- reviewing reference papers:
o Oscar Acevedo, Dimitri Kagaris, Kaushik Poluri, Harini Ramaprasad, “Towards optimal design of Avionics networking infrastructure”,Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2012 IEEE/AIAA 31st, 2012
o Junling Tian, Kai Hu, Huiying Zhang, Jianwei Niu, Hong Jiang, “Design of Mil-std-1553B Protocol Simulation System”, 3rd Internation Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, 2010
o Soo Young Shin, Fadillah Purnama Rezha, “Extending CAN Protocol with ISA100.11a Wireless Network”, ICT Convergence, 2012 (Conference)

Project Progress


18% Progress
Last Week's Project

- studying C#
- studying WPF

This Week's Project

- studying C#
- studying WPF

Monthly Goals

- Finishing the weekly aims.
- Finishing the subject successfully in all semesters

Annual Goals

- writing 1 journal and 2 conference in a semester