

3월 15, 2021 - 3월 21, 2021


Title 9: Smart Monitoring for SLA-type 3D Printer using Temporal Convolutional Network
(Tentative Title, Winter Intensive 2020)

Title 7: UAV-Assisted Uplink Communication using Dragonfly Optimization Algorithm for URLLC in Military Operations
- Target Journal: IEEE Communication Letters

Title 10: Nozzle Thermal Control System for Fused Filament Fabricating3D Printer using Conditional Temporal Neural Network
- Target Journal: ICT Express

- Will start the NSL Training with my mentee

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 9: Smart Monitoring for SLA-type 3D Printer using Temporal Convolutional Network
- Professor advices to add picture of the practical implementation during experiment and include it on the paper
- Still waiting for the implementation results.

Title 7: UAV-Assisted Uplink Communication using Dragonfly Optimization Algorithm for URLLC in Military Operations
- I will prioritize title 9 to be finished first, and continue with my work next week for this paper.
This week

Title 10: Nozzle Thermal Control System for Fused Filament Fabricating3D Printer using Conditional Temporal Neural Network
- Extension of KICS Winter 2021. This paper is the extended version of my 2 page paper for KICS, this paper only tackle about the nozzle thermal estimation unlike in title 9. that multi-sensors are utilized to predict the occurrence of error

This Week Todo's

Title 9: Smart Monitoring for SLA-type 3D Printer using Temporal Convolutional Network
- Almost done with the experiment setup and pictures.
- Still improving the flow of the paper because three people worked on this paper that's why the thought flow of the paper is not smooth. Will work on the revisions this week.

Title 7: UAV-Assisted Uplink Communication using Dragonfly Optimization Algorithm for URLLC in Military Operations
- Still doing the improvement on related works, because of the newest release of the journal, there are noteble works that is worth including on this paper.
- Will pass the paper to professor for final approval this friday/saturday

Title 10: Nozzle Thermal Control System for Fused Filament Fabricating3D Printer using Conditional Temporal Neural Network
- Currently re-doing the simulations
- Will pass the paper this week

Project Progress

3D Monitrong Program

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Received the sensors for collecting new datasets to further improve the prediction capability of the proposed system.
- Prepare the next week's schedule.
- Wait for further announcement

This Week's Project

- Create a new dataset with the new sensors that we requested,
- Create a research note about the experiment conducted for the future researchers that will handle the project once we graduate.
- Continue working on the journal paper until it is submitted. Target: Title 10: This Wednesday, Title 9: Next week monday

Monthly Goals

- Finish the LabView Program for the 3D Project
- Finish Winter Intensive paper
- Finish the UAV paper by the end of February or early March at least.

Annual Goals

- Integrate an edge computing device on the Monitoring program for the future expansion of the project or the possible integration with 5G technologies.
- Finish my thesis and graduate.