

3월 15, 2021 - 3월 21, 2021


Paper Research
[5] Trend Research of Automation System of ICT-based Smart Logistics Warehouse
[군수품 관리를 위한 LTE/5G 기반 스마트 물류창고]

[6] 산업용 IoT를 위한 MMS기반 데이터 분산 서비스
[MMS-based Data Distribute Service for Industrial IoT]

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[6] 산업용 IoT를 위한 MMS기반 데이터 분산 서비스
[MMS-based Data Distribute Service for Industrial IoT]
- Writing a paper in the conference paper form
- research references

* patent
[2] 엣지 컴퓨팅 기반 야생동물 모니터링 시스템
[E-WAMS: Edge Computing-Based Wild Animal Monitoring System]
- write patent about idea

This Week Todo's

[6] 산업용 IoT를 위한 MMS기반 데이터 분산 서비스
[MMS-based Data Distribute Service for Industrial IoT]
- research references
- add new idea

* patent
[2] 엣지 컴퓨팅 기반 야생동물 모니터링 시스템
[E-WAMS: Edge Computing-Based Wild Animal Monitoring System]
- write patent about idea
- write 성화's journal paper's content

Project Progress

Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military

60% Progress
Last Week's Project

- research reference with UAV communications
- Research and Analyze QoS requirements in UAV-related communications

This Week's Project

- make a schedule with Annual Report Contents

Monthly Goals

Finalize the idea of thesis

Annual Goals

- Try to submit a international conference
- Try to complete Journal