

3월 22, 2021 - 3월 28, 2021


Made Adi Paramartha Putra

- Performance Comparison of Named Data Network IoT (NDNIoT) and IP Based IoT using Least Recently Frequently Used Replacement Policy

- Smart grid for Energy consumption prediction using LSTM in Industrial Environment

5% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Literature Review:
a. A Multidirectional LSTM Model for Predicting the Stability of a Smart Grid
b. Electric Load Forecasting in Smart Grid Using Long-Short-Term-Memory based Recurrent Neural Network

-Elaborate how LSTM Model & Algorithm works in order to predict & forecast Energy Usage

-Search and preparing the Dataset

This Week Todo's

-Literature Review:
a. Short-Term Residential Load Forecasting based on LSTM Recurrent Neural Network
b. A Novel Hybrid Short-Term Load Forecasting Method of Smart Grid using MLR and LSTM Neural Network

-Prepare Energy Usage Dataset

Project Progress

Smart Grid for Energy Consumption Prediction using LSTM in Industrial Environment

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Search for some Energy Usage Data

-Dataset Preparation

This Week's Project

- Search and review more papers related to LSTM and Smart Grid

Monthly Goals

-Able to simulate DL with a modified model

-Design the proposed solution of Smart Grid Energy into an LSTM simulation

Annual Goals

- Accepted paper in Local & International Conference

- Accepted journal indexed by SCI