

March 22, 2021 - March 28, 2021


1. Machine Learning with IIoT
2. Deep Learning -based forecasting approach in Smart Grids with micro-clustering and Bi-directional LSTM Network
3. Energy Load Clustering in Smart Grid: Methodologies, Applications and Future Trends
4. Continue survey of related works to gain understanding of research works in IIoT and IoT

20% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Attended Lectures
2. Submitted Reports and Assignments
3. Surveyed paper on Smart Grids and Machine Learning

This Week Todo's

1. Attend Lectures
2. Continue with review of Deep Learning -based forecasting approach in Smart Grids with micro-clustering and Bi-directional LSTM Network and Energy Load Clustering in Smart Grid: Methodologies, Applications and Future Trends
3. Continue with Machine Learning

Project Progress

Anti-Drone, Smart Energy

0% Progress
Last Week's Project


project 1:
Labeled 300 frames
was informed the project will be changed to smart transportation system

project 2:
surveyed some papers


This Week's Project


project 1:
survey 2 papers on smart transportation systems

project 2:
survey more papers to choose a system model to adapt and challenge


Monthly Goals




Annual Goals


2 SCI journals
