

3월 22, 2021 - 3월 28, 2021



Title 1:
"Real-time classification of UAVs Using Convolutional Neural Network"
target : IEEE ACCESS

Title 2:
"Convolutional Neural Network for anomaly flying objects Detection "
Target : IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems

Title 3:
"Hybrid Smart Demand Responsive Transport System for Conventional Public Transport in City Metropolitan Area"
Target : IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation.


0% Progress
Last Week's Progress


title 2:
the system model faces problems with Real-time and needs to be changed because of the FPS limitation

Title 3:
finalizing with last touches and prepare for submission


This Week Todo's


title 2:
changing the system model because of the limitation of the FPS

title 3:
submit the paper


Project Progress

IoT applications for Smart Home

2% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] Discussing task allocation for IoT application project
[2] Learn data pre-processing in ML

This Week's Project

[1] Focus on understanding the alternative thermal array dataset for the IoT application project
[2] Continue learn machine learning in GMLCC

Monthly Goals

Be able to create iot project on matlab/python

Annual Goals

submit conforence and/or iot journal page