

5월 19, 2014 - 5월 25, 2014


곤충 행동 양식 기반의 존 라우팅 결정 알고리즘
Insect-Inspired Algorithm for Zone Radius Determination

수중의 음파 센서 네트워크를 위한 분산 협력 통신
Distributed Cooperative Transmission for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks

99% Progress
Last Week's Progress

I studied the paper,Distributed Cooperative Transmission for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks.

This Week Todo's

I will studied the paper, Design and Performance Analysis of Underwater Acoustic Networks, for my second paper.

Project Progress


5% Progress
Last Week's Project

i attended the VM-ware seminar.

This Week's Project

we will attened Xen seminar

Monthly Goals

Annual Goals