

3월 29, 2021 - 4월 4, 2021


Title 01: Neural Network-Based PAPR Reduction of UFMC Systems Over Rayleigh Fading Channel(Target is not fixed yet)

Title 02: Performance Analysis of UFMC System for various Modulation Technique over Different Fading Channels (Target: Conference )

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
- Add some more simulation.

Title 2:
- simulate for UFMC System for Rayleigh fading channel and find bit error rate and PAPR performance.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- Finetune and submit the paper
- Survey papers for the UAV project
- Start new paper from UAV project
- Complete paper title 2 and make it 3-4 pages paper for international conference.

Project Progress

Website Maintenance, Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military

32% Progress
Last Week's Project

Website Maintenance

- Backup important tables.

UAV Project:
- Read paper "Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols for
UAV Communication Networks".

This Week's Project

Website Maintenance

- Create speperate menus for 2020,2019,2018

UAV Project:
- Read more papers and finalize the title and get approval from the professor.

Monthly Goals

1) Complete Paper Title 02

2) Submit paper title 1 (winter intensive)

Annual Goals

1) Publish at least one SCI and submit two papers.

2) Attend two international conferences.

3) Arrend all domestic conferences as approved by NSL.