

3월 29, 2021 - 4월 4, 2021


Title 9: Smart Monitoring for SLA-type 3D Printer using Temporal Convolutional Network
(Tentative Title, Winter Intensive 2020)

Title 7: UAV-Assisted Uplink Communication using Dragonfly Optimization Algorithm for URLLC in Military Operations
- Target Journal: IEEE Communication Letters

Title 10: Nozzle Thermal Control System for Fused Filament Fabricating3D Printer using Conditional Temporal Neural Network
- Target Journal: ICT Express

Thesis: Predictive Maintenance on Fused Filament Fabricating using Temporal Convolutional Networks

- Continue guiding my mentee about the nsl activities.

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 9: Smart Monitoring for SLA-type 3D Printer using Temporal Convolutional Network
- Waiting for Gabriel to pass the simulation for the paper

Title 7: UAV-Assisted Uplink Communication using Dragonfly Optimization Algorithm for URLLC in Military Operations
- Give way to title 10 this week
- Will pass the paper to professor for final approval this friday/saturday

Title 10: Nozzle Thermal Control System for Fused Filament Fabricating3D Printer using Conditional Temporal Neural Network
- Completed. Will pass the paper this week

This Week Todo's

Title 9: Smart Monitoring for SLA-type 3D Printer using Temporal Convolutional Network
- Waiting for Gabriel to pass the simulation for the paper

Title 7: UAV-Assisted Uplink Communication using Dragonfly Optimization Algorithm for URLLC in Military Operations
- Give way to title 9 this week

Title 10: Nozzle Thermal Control System for Fused Filament Fabricating3D Printer using Conditional Temporal Neural Network
- Completed. Journal: ICT Express

Project Progress

3D Project

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Submit a progress report to the company through Engineer Bek
- Created two more dataset for the project
- Start creating the program through Matlab

This Week's Project

- Continue writing title 9
- Prepare for the 5G VR testing

Monthly Goals

- Finish the LabView Program for the 3D Project
- Finish Winter Intensive paper
- Finish the UAV paper

Annual Goals

- Integrate an edge computing device on the Monitoring program for the future expansion of the project or the possible integration with 5G technologies.
- Finish my thesis and graduate.