

3월 29, 2021 - 4월 4, 2021


1. Smart Grid for Energy Consumption Prediction using LSTM Model in Industrial Environment
2. Machine Learning on IIoT

20% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Attended Lectures
2. Submitted reports and assignments
3. Surveyed Paper on Load Profile based Consumer clustering using Affinity Propagation and other related literatures on Smart Grid Energy

This Week Todo's

1. To attend Lectures
2. To submit reports and assignments
3. To continue with Machine Learning

Project Progress

Smart Grid Energy Forecasting using LSTM Model

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

Surveyed Paper on Load Profile based Consumer clustering using Affinity Propagation and other related literatures on Smart Grid Energy

This Week's Project

To continue with paper survey in relation to Smart Grid for Energy Consumption Prediction using LSTM Model in Industrial Environment and other literatures
To continue with Machine Learning
To continue with Latex

Monthly Goals

To continue with survey of paper in relation to Smart Grid Energy Project
To continue with Machine Learning

Annual Goals

To attend at least one NSL approved Domestic Conference
To attend at least one International Conference
Submit or publish at least two International Journal Papers