

4월 12, 2021 - 4월 18, 2021


Kim Hyeong Jin

Performance Evaluation Real-time Middleware Application in 5G 28GHz Band Environment

- An Interoperable and Configurable Publish/Subscribe Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks

- Reliable Middleware for Wireless Sensor-Acuator Networks

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Survey about WSN and middleware

- Survey about 5h 28GHz and URLLC

This Week Todo's

- Survey about network routing algorithm

- Survey about UAV Network field

- Set up DDS environment to implement

Project Progress

Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Workilng on final report

- Share Annual Report Contents

This Week's Project

- Workilng on final report

- Share Annual Report Contents

Monthly Goals

1. Replace Raspberry-Pi to Jetson Nano to improve performance
- EMW Communication
- Image Detecting

2. Journal
- DDS based Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network using Drones

Annual Goals

- Submitting at least one journal paper