

4월 19, 2021 - 4월 25, 2021


Paper Research

[7] 5G 환경의 산업용 IoT를 위한 이중화 기법
[Redundancy Techniques for Industrial IoT in 5G environment]

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[7] 5G 환경의 산업용 IoT를 위한 이중화 기법
[Redundancy Techniques for Industrial IoT in 5G environment]
- research references
- supplement Introduction
- make abstract simply according to 9 steps
- make concept about System Model
- write main chapter

This Week Todo's

[7] 5G 환경의 산업용 IoT를 위한 이중화 기법
[Redundancy Techniques for Industrial IoT in 5G environment]
- research references
- make abstract simply according to 9 steps
- make concept about System Model
- write main chapter

Project Progress

Implementation and Evaluation of UAV Routing Protocol for Civil and Military

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- work for insurance for drone
- Share Annual Report Contents
- make a plan the project

This Week's Project

- Share Annual Report Contents
- make a plan the project

Monthly Goals

Finalize the idea of thesis
make a plan about thesis

Annual Goals

- Try to complete Thesis