

April 26, 2021 - May 2, 2021


Md. Sajjad Hossain

Title 01: Winter intensive/ Thesis to journal conversion [Target journal: JCN/Elsevier Adhoc Networks]

Title 02: UAV project paper(title not fixed yet)

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 01:

- Worked on the thesis to journal conversion
- Completed the related work part
- System model and simulation
- Corrected all the typos and grammatical issues
- Reduced the paper size
- Got some comments from one of the team leaders and corrected them
- Met prof Lee and got some suggestions and corrections from him

This Week Todo's

Target for this week is to finish the followings

- Have to reflect based on professor Lee's comments.
- Choose a journal to submit the paper [Elsevier Adhoc Networks]
- Recheck the whole paper again
- Rearrange the paper and check the grammatical errors before submitting
- Will take permission from professors to submit the paper
- Check the grammatical errors and typos
- Finally Submit the paper

Title 02:
- Will start surveying new papers to start a new title on OSLR routing protocol for Battlefield
- Try to survey at least 5 papers per week

Project Progress

Edge Computing & Mentoring and UAV applications

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

-- Continue reading some other papers related to edge computing.
-- Submitted the summary of 7 papers to Dr. Kim focuses on
-- Simulation environment
-- Simulation tools used by the authors

UAV Application project:

- Project leader asked me to learn OPNET
- I will start surveying papers related to this project
- I will start writing a paper with Tuli for this project

This Week's Project

--Surveying papers in edge computing
The main goal of surveying the edge paper is
-- Simulation environment
-- Simulation tools used by the authors

Project report:
- I am asked to write a 50-page project report
- Based on my own research I have to finish writing this report within this week

Monthly Goals

- Try to finish and submit the journal [title-01]
- I will try to finish my KICS summer paper

Annual Goals

-I will try to submit at least 2 journals.
-I will try to learn more about different open source programming
-I will try to develop my skills up