

4월 26, 2021 - 5월 2, 2021


Title1: Towards ML-Based Energy Efficient Mechanism for 6G Enabled Industrial Network in Box System
Title2: Evaluation of Efficiency of Authentication Methods for Secured E-banking Service Delivery in Nigeria
Title3: Efficient Algorithm for Multifactor Authentication of E-Banking Channels Security Optimization
Title 4: Ai-Enabled Emergency Detection System for Human Safety in Smart Factory: A Survey
Winter Intensive Paper: Comprehensive Review of Key Wearable Device Technologies for Innovative Healthcare Delivery Beyond 5G Network

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Title1: Suspended temporarily to focus on KICS Paper
-Title2: Awaiting approval and possible ratifications
Title3: Continue on literature review and system modelling
Title4: To survey more papers
Title5: awaiting corrections on winter intensive paper
-Literature search and review for proposed of KICS paper
-Dataset gathering and possible cleaning for KICS Paper

This Week Todo's

-Title1: Suspended still temporarily to focus on KICS Paper
Title 2: Ratified and is back for more modification and restructuring.
Title3: Continue on literature review.
Title4: Surveying more papers
Title5: Submitted and finalized
-Continued literature review for KICS paper
-Learning Machine and Deep Learning
-Gathering, preprocessing and training of datasets

Project Progress

Hybrid Anti-Drone detection System

40% Progress
Last Week's Project

-More learning on training of datasets using the preferred AI model
-Brainstorming with other team members

This Week's Project

-Learning about RF drone detection technique
-Gathering and preprocessing RF datasets

Monthly Goals

-At least review a paper on Machine learning algorithm and IIoT
-Learn how to use ML models using Python
- Perfect the act of article writing using latex.

Annual Goals

-At least Two international journal submissions
-At least Two conference attendance (international and domestic)