

4월 26, 2021 - 5월 2, 2021


Efficient Intrusion Detection System for Mitigating Black Hole Attack in Internet of Vehicles (Paper for KICS)

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Prepare full NSL seminar and submit to mentor for vetting and approval

2. Paper Review
(a)Securing the Internet of Vehicles: A Deep Learning-based Classification Framework

(b)Detection and Identification of Malicious Cyber-Attacks in Connected and Automated Vehicles’ Real-Time Sensors

This Week Todo's

1. Paper Review
(a) CAN-Bus Attack Detection With Deep Learning

(b) On the Security of Networked Control Systems in Smart Vehicle and Its Adaptive Cruise Control.

(c) Darknet Traffic Big-Data Analysis and Network Management for Real-Time Automating of the Malicious Intent Detection Process by a Weight Agnostic Neural Networks Framework

2. Continue learning Machine Learning using my Online Udemy Course.

3. Commence exploring dataset related to real intrusion detection in IOV

4. Start writing my KICS Paper

Project Progress

AI-Assisted Thermal array-based High Detection for Smart Home

25% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Understanding the dataset generated by the public thermal array sensor dataset

2. Review and select the best machine learning algorithm for temperature data

This Week's Project

1. Begin using Latex for my KICS Paper

2. Learn to develop a machine learning algorithm with the thermal sensor-generated dataset

Monthly Goals

1. Develop Machine Learning Environment

2. Get familiar with the Latex and Machine Learning environment

3. Start writing my paper for KICS Conference

Annual Goals

1. Attend at least one Domestic Conference
2. Attend at least one International Conference
3. Submit one International Journal