

5월 10, 2021 - 5월 16, 2021


research Paper research Igboanusi Ikechi Saviour

Title 1: Blockchain Side Implementation of Pure Wallet (PW): An Offline transaction Architecture, (Submitted) ICT Express.

Title 2:
A Low Latency VUH (VLC-UWB Hybrid) Network for Logistics Center Mobile Robots (Winter intensive). (Pr) Journal on Communication and networks (JCN).

Title 3:
A Survey: Blockchain for real-time systems, IEEE Access, (Pr)

Title 4:
Storage optimization in mining for permissioned blockchain network(Pr) ICTC 2021

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title #1

1) wait for the review comment from ICT Express.

Title 3

1) Read and surveyed.
a) EdgeChain: An Edge-IoT Framework and Prototype Based on Blockchain and Smart Contracts.

Title 4

1) Made abstract


1) Prepared and presented my seminar.
2) learnt how to initiate transaction within a miner.

This Week Todo's

Title #1

1) wait for the review comment from ICT Express.

Title #3

1) IIoT Blockchain survey:
a)Efficient Traceability Systems of Steel Products Using Blockchain-Based Industrial Internet of Things
b) A blockchained federated learning framework for cognitive computing in industry 4.0networks
c) Integrating blockchain in safety-critical systems: An application to the nuclear industry

Title 4

1) start reading related works.


1) learn and implement connection of independent chains in private blockchain network.

Project Progress

International Relations

5% Progress
Last Week's Project

Project 1: Website development

1) learn how to make css and html codes for web development.

Project 2: Youtube video Creation.

1) Learning DaVinci Resolve interface.
2) Start editing Video.
a) assembling the media contents to be used.
b) adding audio contents

This Week's Project

Project 1: Website development

1) learn how to make css and html codes for web development.
2) try creating client dashboard based on css and html code.

Project 2: Youtube video Creation.

1) Audio content editing.
2) complete video editing.

Monthly Goals

Paper #3

1) Complete reading of real-time Blockchain for Finance industry.
2) Write survey finding for low Latency Blockchain finance applications.
3) find papers for Real time Military blockchain network.


1) make one youtube video

Annual Goals

2020 GOALS

1) Two international journal paper submissions.
2) One international conference attendance.
3) Master the blockchain network and transactions.

2021 GOALS

1) Two journal paper submissions.
2) Two conference attendances.

2022 GOALS

1) One international journal paper submission.
2) One international conference attendance.
3) Complete graduation thesis.