

5월 17, 2021 - 5월 23, 2021


Made Adi Paramartha Putra

- Title 1: Adaptive LRFU Replacement Policy for Named Data Network in Industrial IoT(ICT Express / IEEE Communication Letters 2021) Submitted

- Title 2: Multi-Depth LRFU: Named Data Network Replacement Policy in Industrial IoT (ICTC 2021)

- Title 3: Smart grid for Energy consumption prediction using LSTM in Industrial Environment (Project)

- Title 4: Lightweight Multivariate LSTM for Household Power Prediction in Smart Grid - KICS 2021

- Title 5: Sensor Failure - ETFA (Not fixed yet)

40% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Start to simulate the KICS Summer model and evaluate the performances
-Start writing KICS Summer paper ideas.
-Keep checking paper review progress

This Week Todo's

-Finalize KICS paper & Plagiarism checker
-Submit KICS paper

Project Progress

Smart Grid for Energy Consumption Prediction using LSTM in Industrial Environment

40% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Try to compare MLP, LSTM, BiLSTM, and Multi Look-back LSTM in an industrial dataset.

This Week's Project

- Industrial Dataset - Feature Engineering
- Start tao implement several proposed method based-LSTM

Monthly Goals

- Design a new LSTM-based algorithm for Smart Grid prediction and forecasting in the Industrial field
- Finish KICS 2021 paper
- Finish ICTC paper
- Finish ETFA paper

Annual Goals

- Submit and accepted in at least 2 Local and International Conference (KCIS, ICTC, ETFA)
- Submit and accepted in at least 2 (IEEE Journal / SCI)