

5월 17, 2021 - 5월 23, 2021


Title1: On the Evaluation of Efficiency of Authentication Methods for Secured E-banking Service Delivery
Target: KICS Conference 2021 and MDPI Journal
Title2: CNN-Based Drone Detection System for Military Surveillance in Tactical Operations
Target: ETFA 2021 Conference
Title3: Efficient Algorithm for Multifactor Authentication of E-Banking Channels Security Optimization
Target: MDPI Journal on Information System
Title3: AI-Enabled Emergency Detection System for Human Safety in Smart Factory: A Survey

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Title1: Finalized and submitted for KICS Conference
-Title2: Performed System modelling and simulations
-Title3: Continued Literature Review
-Title4: Suspended momentarily to finish up Title2
-Attended classes and respond to assignments
-Reviewed articles and extant literatures.
-Studied the NSL website under EDUCATION on "how to write an academic paper"

This Week Todo's

-Title1: Finalized and submitted for KICS Conference
-Title2: To continue simulations and training of available datasets
-Title3: Examining more articles
-Title4: Suspended momentarily to finish up Title2
-Attend classes and respond to assignments
-Review articles and literatures to consolidate theories of AI and DL

Project Progress

Anti-drone project

75% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Continued datasets labelling of Anafi drone dataset
-Perform Image augmentation on labelled dataset
-Developed system model and trained datasets on two models
-Documented findings and Evaluate performance
-Had brainstorm session with team lead

This Week's Project

-To capture more datasets to fine tune the developed model
-To train developed model using the existing and new datasets
-Document findings and crosscheck performance with existing models
-To communicate result output with team lead for possible modifications
-Have a brainstorm session with team lead

Monthly Goals

-At least review a paper on Machine learning algorithm and IIoT
-Learn how to use ML models using Python
-Perfect the act of article writing using latex.
-Finish up an article for review and possible submission to a targeted journal

Annual Goals

-At least Two international journal submissions
-At least Two conference attendance (international and domestic)