

5월 17, 2021 - 5월 23, 2021


Title 1: Efficient Detection of Position Falsification Attacksin Internet of Vehicles using Machine Learning
Target: ETFA

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Complete the related works section of my ETFA paper

2. Paper Review
(a) VeReMi: A Dataset for Comparable Evaluation of Misbehavior Detection in VANETs
(b) Attacks and countermeasures in the Internet of Vehicles
(c) Detection and Identification of Malicious Cyber-Attacks in Connected and Automated Vehicles’ Real-Time Sensors

3. System Model for ETFA/KICS Paper
(a) Start to model the public dataset using deep/transfer learning, then evaluate and compare the performance with other traditional machine learning models used earlier (Random Forest and Logistic Regression)
(b) Improve model by learning the art of data preprocessing and setting of hyperparameters

This Week Todo's

1. Complete the Result and Conclusion Section of my ETFA Paper
2. Extract a 2-page paper from my ETFA paper for KICS

Project Progress

AI-Assisted Thermal array-based High Detection for Smart Home

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Proceed to Learn the principle of deep/transfer learning so as to improve our machine learning model for the fall detection dataset

2. Wait for feedback from Professor and Project Leader for the way forward

3. Commence recording our progress report on the research note for the IoT Project

This Week's Project

1. Fill in and complete research note for the group Project
2. Implement MatLab on the dataset to compare result with python result

Monthly Goals

1. Complete and Submit my paper for KICS/ETFA Paper

2. Learn to develop a complete deep/transfer learning algorithm with the thermal sensor-generated dataset for emergency detection in private spaces

3. Fully familiarize with using latex software

Annual Goals

1. Attend at least one Domestic Conference

2. Attend at least one International Conference

3. Submit one International Journal