

5월 24, 2021 - 5월 30, 2021


Md. Sajjad Hossain

Title 01: Real-Time task Allocation and Edge Node Classification
with Fault Tolerance for the Internet of Battlefield Things Things. [submitted to IET Communication]

Title 02: OLSR Routing Protocol for UAV in the Battlefield Environment[ UAV project paper} (title not fixed yet)

title 3: Summer intensive

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 01: submitted

Title 02:
- surveying papers on OSLR protocol
- Tuli gave me some papers

title 3: Looking for Summer intensive title

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- Under review

Title 02:
- Will start surveying new papers to start a new title on OSLR routing protocol for Battlefield
- Try to survey at least 5 paper
Title 3:
- try to write a kics 2 paper
- After that, I will extend it as a summer intensive

Project Progress

Edge Computing & Mentoring and UAV applications

30% Progress
Last Week's Project

research note:
-- Finished writing 50-page research note last week

-- Continue reading some other papers related to edge computing.
-- Submitted the summary of 7 papers to Dr. Kim focuses on
-- Simulation environment
-- Simulation tools used by the authors

UAV Application project:

- Project leader asked me to learn OPNET
- I will start surveying papers related to this project
- I will start writing a paper with Tuli for this project

This Week's Project

--Surveying papers in edge computing
The main goal of surveying the edge paper is
-- Simulation environment
-- Simulation tools used by the authors

for UAV project:
- As instructed by the project leader I will start learning OPNET
- Continue paper 2 with TULI

Monthly Goals

- I will try to finish my KICS summer paper

Annual Goals

-I will try to submit at least 2 journals.
-I will try to learn more about different open source programming
-I will try to develop my skills up